Saturday 16 November 2013

Pleminary exercise- Evaluation

                                                      Pleminary exercise- Evaluation

Our film was a brief conversation with two students which lasted no longer than 2 minutes. The video demonstrated the 180 degree line, shot reverse shot and match on action.

 Firstly, we had to make sure that we followed the rule of 180 degree line. This is where you film only one side of the room, making sure you do not cross the line. This prevents the film having low continuity so it flows smoothly. Next, is the match on action. A match on action shot is used to help the film flow continuously by placing two shots together, it also creates a visual bridge which draws the viewers attention away from slight cutting or continuity editing. Finally, we have shot reverse shot, this is where we see two people conversing together. The camera is placed behind one persons shoulder so the other person becomes the subject and we can focus on them talking and see their response. The camera then switches to the other persons shoulder therefore we can then see the response of the other person.

Before we shot our film we had to prepare and organise our self's to ensure that we fully understood what we were going to do. We created a short, brief script of a conversation between two people so that it was easy to remember and could therefore focus on shooting our film. We also created a story board. We did this so we could plan out the film and the camera angles we were going to use and were familiar with what to do. Finally, we choose a suitable location in the college building to shoot our short film. Also, we carried out a thorough risk assessment to ensure there was no potential hazards. Then, we were ready to film.

We used a camera and a tripod to ensure that camera was steady and the shots flowed smoothly. Our first shot was a long shot of me walking down the corridor, putting my hand out for the door, opening it and walking in. The camera was placed on the tripod and was positioned so that you could see both myself walking down the corridor and a full view of the door I was about to enter. The next shot was a close up of my hand pushing down onto the handle and opening the door and walking in. Then, the next shot was again a long shot but this time filmed from inside the room and showed me walking in, sitting down and the door closing behind me. This shot showed difficulty when filming as the door had to be open at a certain point when I was walking in in order for it to flow smoothly from the close up shot and to demonstrated match on action. Our next shot was a medium shot of myself and demi having a conversation. This meant that myself and demi had to learn our lines in one go. This was quite difficult and time consuming as we had to repeat the script until we got it right. After we completed this particular shot, we then moved on to filming our shot reverse shot. Firstly behind Demi's shoulder making me the subject then behind my shoulder making Demi the subject. We had to again, run through the whole script at both sides, ensuring me made no mistakes. We managed to complete the film in the required time.

We then moved on to editing our film using Final Cut express. Due to us being unfamiliar with the software, we experienced some slight complications. But we soon got the hang of it and felt confident and comfortable using it. Firstly, we cut the long shot of myself walking down the corridor as it was too long and we needed to make it flow smoothly with the next shot which was a close up of myself opening the door. This made the match on action flow continually. The next shot we used was the shot where I walked in and sat down. This shot proved difficult when editing because we had to ensure that the door matched the close up shot and wasn't opened too much. We managed to edit it so it looked smooth and continuous. We then cut the mid shots and shot reverse shots so the conversation flowed smoothly this increased the continuity of the film. When this process was completed, we proceeded to adding a title to the beginning of the page and the names of the people who created it. We also added a fade in at the start and a fade out at the end of the film in order to make it look more professional.

In our film, we were able to demonstrated the 180 degree line rule as during the shot reverse shot, we did not cross to the other side off the room and marked out points in which we could not go beyond.
We also successfully filmed a shot reverse shot as filming over the shoulder shots of both me and Demi. This showed clearly our responses clearly and the viewer's were able to see which of us was the subject. Finally, we included match on action which was demonstrated when I opened the door and walked in.

                                                       Match on Action shots

Shot reverse shot and 180 degree line


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